Jhanak 16th June 2024 Written Update: Anirudhha and Jhanak’s Emotional Journey

Gautam kumar
3 Min Read

Jhanak Today Episode: The episode opens with yet another argument between Anirudhha and Jhanak. Anirudhha had hoped that Jhanak would be happy to marry Rahul, but he now realizes that she is still haunted by a past incident. Jhanak reveals her lingering resentment towards Anirudhha, who has tried to erase the painful memories of their marriage. Both struggle to express their true feelings to each other. Jhanak doesn’t expect Anirudhha to marry her, but deep down, she desires his emotional support.

Jhanak is confused about how to act in this situation—whether she should consider herself a married woman or not. Anirudhha, on the other hand, tries to move past the incident but still harbors feelings for her.

When Shuvo and his family return to the Bose house, they discuss the past incident with the other family members. Subha and Tanuja suspect that Chhotan and Ajanta knew about Anirudhha’s decision to go to Kashmir and influenced him to go. They also accuse Chhotan and Ajanta of spoiling Anirudhha.

Chhotan admits that he was aware of Anirudhha’s trip to Kashmir to meet Jhanak, but insists that Anirudhha decided on his own. Vipasha adds that Jhanak publicly accepted Tejas’s proposal in front of reporters, indicating that she wanted to marry Tejas of her own will.

Jhanak accuses Anirudhha of ruining her life and says she has been suffering because of him. She wants to break free from her emotional attachment to Anirudhha and does not want to marry Rahul, as she has no emotional connection with him. Hearing these accusations repeatedly, Anirudhha feels uneasy and asks for some personal time. He promises not to bother Jhanak after the exams and leaves the room. Suddenly, Jhanak realizes her mistakes and starts feeling guilty for Anirudhha.

In his room, Anirudhha is deeply conflicted. He wonders if he has developed feelings for Jhanak. Lost in these thoughts, he doesn’t realize he is running a high fever. After a while, Jhanak comes to check on Anirudhha in his room. The episode ends on this note.

Next Day: Anirudhha will open his heart to Jhanak and promise never to leave her side.

Read – Jhanak 15th June 2024 Written Update: Love, Friendship, and Heartbreak

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Hey there! I'm Gautam, the founder of Movies Insight Hindi. With a background in electrical engineering, I'm passionate about cinema and storytelling. Join me as we explore the magic of movies together!
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